Mar 4, 2009


Situation where someone become very susceptible to materials or compound that have not yet fixed generate trouble at others. Can be caused by clan factor. Allergy Reaction arises after several times contained with allergen (materials or allergen compound).

Indication :
Depend on organ that attacked, for example
• Red pock Skin or arise small bump is accompanied pruritis.
• Red-eyed, swelling and have water.
• Nose releases many lenders, sneeze and the other.
• Mucous bronchial tube, congested breath, cough, sound breath and asthma.
• Ill hinges, pain in bone, florid, swelling.
• Stomach or small intestine more active until happened movement excessive peristaltic causes diarrhoea or colic at stomach.

Some allergy types :
a. Allergy rhinitis (chafe nose)
Allergy rhinitis is nasal cavity inflamation that caused by reaction allergy. One who are often attacked cause sneezes. Often happened at all of age, that caused by clan factor.

• Nose stuff ups.
• Sneezes, nose has water, head cold and at such cases can cause red-eyed and have water.

Its cause :
• Excitement to dust, cigarette smoke, perfume, dust, hair, fur, animal type, certain food type and weather change and also air. Its reaction arises inflamation and fluid expenditure abundant either at nose or eye.

b. Skin Allergy/chafe skin (eksema/dermatitis)
Eksema is a allergy of reaction have the shape of itches or rash at skin, also can be caused by bacterium infection. This Disease not catching, but tend to degraded in families.

Set of rose colored blister above skin, then break and release itchy fluid.
If that fluid run dries, cause scaly skin and very itch very.

Its cause :
Allergy at skin very susceptible that possible triggered by materials/compound begin at cosmetic, detergent, toilet soap, dummy ornament, harsh cloth and damp clothes or that too tighten that can generate itch or certain food.
Its prevention :
Avoid direct contact with materials or compound that make irritation at skin, don't be scratched if itch and pay attention cause incidence of allergy reaction is referred.


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